Our judge this month, Paul Lucas, will be joining us via zoom.
The school holidays start this week, and the school will likely be rather cold until we’re able to crank up the heating. Added to this, a number of members are away or unable to make it to the meeting,
So we’ve decided to run this meeting as just a Zoom meeting.
While the meeting will start at 7.30, I’ll fire up zoom at leats 15 minutes earlier to allow us to settle in.
Please make sure you are able to mute your microphone during the judge’s presentation.
If you haven’t used Zoom for a while, I suggest you fire it up today. There will almost certainly be an update required. You don’t want to be doingthat at 7.28pm on Wednesday.
Zoom runs on PCs and mobile decies. If you are using an unfamiliar device, Have a practice run and make sure you can manage the mute button and view the meeting in full screen.
If anyone wants to have a practice run, let me know nad I’ll set up a practice meeting tomorrow evening. Email or text me. mail@mikeoc.com O4O8 325 O24.
BYO Supper.
See you there.
Mike OC
BCC Committeemember is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Benalla Camera Club July Meeting Time: Jul 3, 2024 07:15 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
If you have not yet put any images into the exhibition, please consider putting some in now. We’d really like to have something from every member.
I have created a “late entries” collection. If you’ve already submitted entries, there’s no need to resubmit.
There is also a space in late entries for additional photos you might have of club activities. There’s room for up to 28. Feel free to fill it up, even if you’ve already put in other activities photos.
You have a couple of weeks, but do it now to avoid extra nagging
Shepparton Camera Club have kindly invited members to this prestigious free event. Not to be missed by any keen wildlife/bird photographer. The event will be held at the U3A Hall, 14 Esson Street, Shepparton. While the event is free a gold coin for supper would be appreciated. If you are going please let me know by SUNDAY to – mandgblack@gmail.com as numbers MUST be provided before the event. Also advise if you need to car pool.
Finley and District Camera Club members are hoping to attend Sydney for Vivid 2024 for a Photo Walk to be provided by Digital Camera Warehouse. As a small club they don’t have enough members so are asking for expressions of interest from members from surrounding clubs. If Any members are interested please email President Chris Filshie: FinleyAndDistrictCC@gmail.com NOTE: Numbers required by this Sunday
A few members have already booked as tables are filling fast. If you wish to join us please book yourself onto Table 8 (currently 7 spots left) on Sat 29 June @ 7.30 by going to Trybooking.com/event list/Benallatheatreco
and let Helen know you have booked. Sorry for any confusion, but we now know we have to act fast in order to all be on the same table.